Giulio Ginesi's profile

A little part of me

Life to me was like a path in the dark, without goals and directions. Nothing made more sense, i could not find an explanation of what was happening to me and everything moved around me without my noticing. Time passed and I stood still, at the mercy of events and people who dragged my body here and there. My soul was always at home, closed in the room, thinking.

My name is Giulio Ginesi and this is my story, my Portfolio.
                           The beginning
This was my thought one night in Greece with my friends:
The waves crash with powerful force. They slowly crumble and soothe the pier and in a similar manner my heart reacts to blows and crumble. It is odd and interesting how an emotion can be connected to any natural element. We are like a round system where everything circle back. It always happens when something comes back, it becomes easy to find its meanings. Man was raised as a machine to combine sensations,
Sensations as: perceptions which the human body captures and sometimes generates. These sensations sometimes are not controlled by the human body. These sensations can short circuit at some point. The feelings are turned on repeatedly but unwillingly they can also cause a severe explosion. Fear in the body happens in a few minutes, and can generate a sudden feeling. My finger goes, runs on the keyboard like an Italian tourists run to the monuments... on every vacation. I don’t know what to create anymore... she is so diabolical... she takes and aims to the whole beauty of men without distinction beside their appearances.
This week she is a black angel. She knows what men would like to get from her. She gives it to him in peace, and he knows what women want from men ... she is different. She does not want the typical boy or puppet among the thousand other thing she wants to try. No, she wants a lamb cutlet to be boned and leave the left over naked and raw. Sometimes I think it is all a formalism, that the world lives on formalisms. Maybe I am right. But I don’t care. I will always write by expressing myself and my feelings. It will all be printed on this unforgettable sheet, in which my feelings and emotions will mix as ingredients for a recipe for a tasty and yummy cake.
The first thing I started doing was taking pictures of my friends, the people closest to me. The photographs are like a container of emotions, the more you fill it, the more beautiful and meaningful the photo will be. I wanted to focus mainly on the expressions of these guys, on their faces, on what they transmit and have to say. Behind every glance there is a story, scars and sometimes sadness. The photos are just for this, to report, to show the world who today's teenagers are, how they live and what problems they have. I think this is one of the first purposes of cinema: information. Through the movies, you can express your own thoughts about any issue and let the public reflect and discuss them, so as to create more and more thinking people and a well-formed collective mentality.

​​​​​​​"Eyes chico, they never lie", Scarface.
This photo is the portrait of the agreement between two friends, the chemistry between two people. It seems as if the photo cannot contain all the emotions that pop up. The complicity of the looks and the attention to detail is incredible. They were always two of my friends, at school, during self-management. The air that was breathed that day was obviously quieter than that of questions or class assignments, lessons were suspended and the boys organised their courses, each one could decide which courses to attend based on what interested him most. This is how the school worked.
This shot is the opposite of the first one. I took it in class, during the lessons. The look of my friend communicates all his malaise and his inadequacy at that moment. The yellow hair, the earring and all the desire to break away from this boring and schematic system that dictates rules to us continuously and does not give space to our creativity to come out, to express oneself.
This guy is Sick Boy from Trainspotting, he embodies his anarchy and his need to go against the rules, to change and reshape them. However, movies are often misinterpreted. Many people perceive the message that suits them most without taking into consideration the whole idea behind the film and the reason and purpose for which it was created. it is right to be inspired by the characters, our heroes, our idols, but it is right to do it with consciousness.

"Destroy what others want you to be and start behaving as you wish", Rocket Man.
Love for teenagers is the strongest feeling of all. We fall in love continuously and we lose our heads for anyone who attracts us in a few moments. Love is like a dart shot inside our heart that slowly makes us rise from all that surrounds us. It alienates us inside a bubble together with our love, far from everything else, far from chatter and judgments. It raises us up to an alien but sweet, soft and harmless world. We seem to be finally loved, appreciated by someone for how we are and how we behave. After a while, however, all these sensations begin to fade, we return with our feet on the ground, well planted, under the ground, we feel paralyzed because it seems to us again that everything is over and nothing matters anymore. A chasm opens in our heart and it can be healed only through other love, and so we go up again on the carousel.

​​​​​​​"a man cannot possess more than his heart can love", John Malkovich, Siberian Education.
After photography, cinema and writing meet another fundamental and wonderful art: painting, drawing. A pen, a pencil, a brush or colors and a piece of paper are enough to give life to one's own thought, to one's own story. The idea that from the mind travels to the hand, which delicately deposits the instrument on the sheet and then almost like an automatism begins the magic. The drawing comes to life, from a simple point, then a line and finally an image. The process of painting is more or less the same as in cinema: first of all, millions of ideas bomb our heads and we must be good at organizing them and choosing only the best ones, then we spread them out, some on a sheet and some on film , and finally we compose our masterpiece.

​​​​​​​"I want to be able to draw, create in absolute freedom, you understand this, with my clothes, with my drawings I try to express myself, but if they prevent me, I will die, you understand it, I will die of boredom.", Yves Saint Laurent.
At 11:36 tonight I convinced myself to expose a minimal part of my theory about time. Following a heavy dispute with Gaia, it appeared to me a clear drawing of the role of time in our life, almost a painting. This painting, would represent time just like I thought about it if only I had the right skills to do it. I’d rather write about it, then I will treat it as a wise man and not as a drawing. To begin with from the initial idea, what I saw time as a gigantic network, something immaterial. Although, time made us up, and we are all immersed in it, it could also be a liquid, where we are all submerged and we are lost where we do not know anymore where the bottom is or the surface. This net, however, has a tear in the middle. The human being, with his mind, is the only living thing and natural being, able to travel through out time, to realize it, to quantify it. However, we are forced to admit that there is a dark moment, before things turn into past, and before they become future, we create infinity. Infinity opens right at the point of our birth and is an area around us where time is not quantifiable, it is not accessible and intelligible. The network of the past is all behind us, woven from the beginning of time (creation of our world, or the only one where we were born, and specific time in which we started to think, to know and to realize that we lived according to the time) until the end of our days, which will be over at one point. The conclusion of our conscience will come sooner or later and also, the end of all the consciences of the world will happen. Nobody will be able to think anymore and time will collapse for us too. These two nets are very dense, and indeed they become more and more thickened, when they go towards the beginning. Since each square is made up of the intertwining of temporal threads there is a scene, a gesture, a movement, a thought of the past that is remote or pierced, the same is true for infinite actions. What belongs to the past is behind and what belongs to the future is ahead for every man, however, we can say affirmatively that the present does not exist, cannot be grasped, and for this reason it is infinite. We create a small bundle of infinity above us every time. The action that happened at that moment and which after a while we will be passed through our present consciousness will never be graspable as it will be the past of the future. Here, with this little push and pull, we never know what is our present in its strict sense. Precisely there will be infinity of things, only in the moment of the made-up present, the mind can think of both the past and the future and infinite. Right after thoughts will become already past, and a new and reborn consciousness will give birth to others, without however ever being able to capture the exact moment of thought.
The picture is from the movie: "Climax", Gaspar Noe.
A thought of mine during insomnia:
There is no art, there is no purely graphic representation, there is no content where to enclose and throw this sudden flash that passed through me at this moment when my brain wandered under inspiring musical notes of alien origins like tauro boys. Briefly, this image of a possible consistency of us as human beings, almost abstract beings but enclosed within borders representing our singularities, suddenly appeared to me. We could be like a soft, slimy and viscous substance that makes these boundaries collapse in order to relate to other entities in a way to exchange this gelatinous matter and pass it on or leave it scattered. It would be an explanation of how we relate continuously to all the reality that surrounds us, how we get involved, influenced or inspired by other entities that are human or other living things.

"I don't think i'm easy to talk about.I've got a very irregular head.And i'm not anything that you think i am anyway.", Syd Barret.
                            Love, again...
Reflections on love after watching (after 12 days actually) a movie about Yves Saint Laurent’s life. 
It was exciting how the love messages and in general about beauty were conveyed to the audience during the time I was watching the movie. The first thing that struck me is how many people are looking for elegance. It is not an obligatory character and sought by everybody. In my opinion the people who seek elegance, know how to appreciate elegance, and understand elegance, are marvellous. It’s crazy how Yves Saint Laurent in a sort of artistic autism managed to be perfect, clean and polite in all circumstances, even when he arrived at the fashion shows in horrible conditions, being hangover or completely drugged up. He was always generous and thanked everybody as if he felt it was his duty to behave because his family upbringing taught him to do. He was an exciting and creative personality. This last thought, made me think about all the artists. I began wondering how and why it is possible that all these exuberant creative and brilliant minds have drowned everything in drugs, to reach the excess of a life on the edge and how they related to others, (i.e. Einstein was an absolute genius… but I have always said he was a rational, practical, mathematical genius who has never behaved in this way). The artists instead, for example like fashion designers and singers, have the tendency to live a extravagant life that is more towards the extremes. One reason could simply be because they are much more sensitive human people, they have wheels in their brain that make them more capable to perceive all the other people feelings and their skills are to create empathy or generate empathy towards all those surrounding them. An example is Yves Saint Laurent unconsciously dragged women and men who he was completely in love with. For example a different situation is how Freddy Mercury lived his life. In my opinion unfortunately  he had only one side of love the gay (love) that is greedy, slightly different from the life of Yves. Freddie was envious of the others, and he just wanted to express how successful he was by showing off his earnings, his fame, but he then realized too late that all that was just material things. His  realization was because the intervention of the girl who loved him genuinely and deeply without any second goal. Yves, on the other hand, has always been a child who never grew up, on one hand he needed to vent his repressed youth: drugs, boys and parties. On the other hand (luckily) he found a person who, as it is mentioned in the movie, knew how to cope with him, was the missing father and the one who put him back on the right tracks. He was lucky because these situations in his life happened several times.
From the movie, it seemed to me more and more clear and stupid that the convention of love between men and women is simply a massification of a single love, as I always claim, one thing becomes true and correct only if it gets more approvals than another. The fact that men and women have to be together has been consolidated for the majority of couples and much less for, gay couple. But at the end of all, love is something uncontrollable. Love pulls us towards more feelings and emotions of what our body is really involved. I think powerfully aesthetics, like beautiful clothing and all those small details that arouse our curiosity, our adoration, appears “beautiful” to our eyes. Such types of life-styles makes us feel good, satisfied and give the sense of belonging. I can also claim that this occurs only because we feel comfortable with the person whom we feel most natural to share emotions with. I can affirm strongly that is wrong to consider impossible and irrational love between two men or two women. The homosexual love should not be considered  evil or wrong. It is a bubble that isolates two people who share everything they can with each other, who are attracted to specific aspect of their characters, peculiarities, and features. We can also justify bisexuals, because, as I mentioned before, we are all inclined to love the person who generates positive emotions and feelings within us, perfuses trust, security, protection and all those feelings that we feel come into play when we begin to know someone. That’s the question i am wondering myself right now, specifically why, a man should like an other man, in our culture, especially Catholicism plays a very strong role in how we are brought up but also depends how the family intervene on the issue. In certain circumstances most likely made us weaker and more insecure. This type of external influences could well be force us to fall back to love or have a relationship with the person of the opposite sex. Aesthetic has powerful and sentimental impact, aesthetic as an emotion generates internally a reaction. Perhaps I could also add that if there was an ideal man (every man has in his mind the perfection of himself) represented in the mind of another man most likely without any social or external influences and walls, it would be great to get to know him better and to understand him better. I can simply claim if all the requisites were satisfying, it could be possible to fell in love with that man beside of same sex. However in today society there are so many external influences and factors that it becomes very challenging although society is changing much faster that expected.
                                Last step
We are about to end this path. Finally now inside my tunnel I begin to glimpse a light. She calls me to her, radiates me with love and compassion. Like a mother waiting for her children after school, cinema writing and painting are there, waiting for me with open arms at the end of the tunnel. This light is art, it is cinema that as if it were a light bulb illuminates my path in the darkness of the world, in its vastness and ignorance. It is a light that indicates hope, shows me a way out. We are essences made mainly of empathy, emotions and feelings, these are the main things with which we relate to other beings that populate the world, and these are the main things that cinema transmits. It is the most powerful vehicle for the transmission of thoughts, ideas or concepts, it reaches a myriad of people, makes them think and allows them to face the days, weeks and months to come with much more positivity.

"I think there is nothing in the darkness and that there is everything in the light. I choose the light", Caravaggio.
                               The end?
All of this was simply a window that overlooked my world, my thoughts and my mind. On the other hand, cinema is also a tiny one window from which we can look at the world as we please. There are those who want to see the world through the eyes of a child, those who want to see a cruel and ruthless world, who wants to see a world populated by super sexy spies and villains, who wants superheroes to exist, who wants to see the world in the most transparent way possible, just as reality suggests it to us. In short, cinema is a huge lens facing the universe, to which we can change the filter and decorations.
The opportunity to immerse ourselves in our world, in our fantastic castle and to manage the stories that cross our mind, assign the various personalities to each character, find the suitable costumes that reflect the temper of that particular character and finally find the perfect setting, which is the background for each scene. I love cinema, but most of all I love to coordinate all these activities, supervising them under my careful and judicious eye. The role of the director in short is the thing that intrigues me more than all. Create stories in which people can identify themselves to overcome difficult or stressful moments, create light stories for those who just want to relax and enjoy the screen, or create twisted and psychological stories that lead the viewer to ask themselves a thousand questions, a thousand curiosities that it will have to satiate by seeking, deepening and going as deep as possible. In short, all these aspects made me fall in love with directing, I can't wait to study, to always know more on the subject and discover completely new cinematographic techniques, explore this huge world which gives us access to all areas of our mind.

"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.", Stanley Kubrick.
A little part of me

A little part of me

A little film through my history
